
In this section, we are going to perform k-means analysis for each of Nutrient as is, Nutrient average, Food categories as is, and Food categories average.

Before proceeding, ensure to have four directories (folders) named as:

  • kmeans_Nut_asis
  • kmeans_Nut_ave
  • kmeans_Cat_asis
  • kmeans_Cat_ave

K-means analysis results will be saved in this folder. You can change those directory names, but if you do so, you will need to modify the directory name, “res_dir_xxx_xxxx”, to match your new directory name.

Load functions and packages

Name the path to DietR directory where input files are pulled.

main_wd <- "~/GitHub/DietR"

Load necessary packages.

## Welcome! Want to learn more? See two factoextra-related books at

Set your ggplot2 theme.

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 14))

Import source code to run the analyses to follow.


You can come back to the main directory by:


Specify the directory where the data is.

SpecifyDataDirectory( "eg_data/VVKAJ/")

Nutrient data as is, processed for clustering analyses

Load Nut_asis data.

Tot_m_QCed_Nut_asis <- read.table(file="VVKAJ_Tot_m_QCed_Nut_asis_c_rv.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

Scale your input file and name it as k-means_input.

kmeans_input <- scale(Tot_m_QCed_Nut_asis)

Ensure your input file has the correct number of rows and columns.

## [1] 45 39

Specify the directory (folder) to save the results.

res_dir_nut_asis = "kmeans_Nut_asis"

Specify the prefix of filenames to be saved.

res_prefix_nut_asis = "VVKAJ_Nut_asis"

Run the elbow, silhouette, and gap methods to find an optimum K (number of clusters). Do not alter the name of the input file: kmeans_input. This function below assumes that the input is named as kmeans_input. You can only run those three methods for K = 1 through (number of observations - 1). The gap method output will be printed on the Console. The gap values are plotted in xxx_gapmethod.pdf.

ChooseK(out.dir= res_dir_nut_asis, out.prefix= res_prefix_nut_asis)
## Clustering Gap statistic ["clusGap"] from call:
## clusGap(x = kmeans_input, FUNcluster = kmeans, K.max = k.values[length(k.values)],     B = 50, nstart = 25)
## B=50 simulated reference sets, k = 1..14; spaceH0="scaledPCA"
##  --> Number of clusters (method 'firstmax'): 13
##           logW   E.logW       gap     SE.sim
##  [1,] 4.534176 4.805370 0.2711936 0.02298366
##  [2,] 4.413634 4.690320 0.2766854 0.01970103
##  [3,] 4.324135 4.612156 0.2880211 0.01952644
##  [4,] 4.232962 4.546859 0.3138978 0.02019184
##  [5,] 4.172491 4.489167 0.3166767 0.01997891
##  [6,] 4.112269 4.437340 0.3250711 0.01906811
##  [7,] 4.060030 4.389245 0.3292146 0.01932907
##  [8,] 4.002075 4.343304 0.3412295 0.01957126
##  [9,] 3.941963 4.298034 0.3560717 0.02008874
## [10,] 3.885026 4.253908 0.3688828 0.02016421
## [11,] 3.819605 4.209691 0.3900865 0.02020015
## [12,] 3.761350 4.166198 0.4048475 0.01974978
## [13,] 3.707321 4.122736 0.4154147 0.02010712
## [14,] 3.665302 4.079125 0.4138227 0.02003152

This code will generate three output files all at once in the res_dir_xxx_xxxx:

Output file postfix File content
_elbowmethod.pdf Shows total within−clusters sum of squares for each K.
_gapmethod.pdf Shows the Gap statistic (k) for each K, and if the factoextra package is used, the optimal K is marked by a dotted line.
_silhouettemethod.pdf Shows the Average silhouette width (~ goodness of fit) for each K, and if the factoextra package is used, the optimal K is marked by a dotted line.

Look at the three figures generated by the ChooseK function above. The elbow and gap methods did not give a distinct peak, but the silhouette method gave a peak at K=4. K=2, 3, 4, and 5 also have relatively high silhouette width (~goodness of fit).




With specific K values in mind, perform k-means analysis with one specified K. This will save Dim1 x Dim2 plot as a .pdf file in your out.dir. Change the filename as necessary.

OneK(myK= 4, out.dir= res_dir_nut_asis, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Nut_asis_K4")

Or try multiple Ks and print the biplots in one panel. Likewise, This will save a Dim1 x Dim2 plot for each of the chosen K as a .pdf file in your out.dir. Change the filename to be saved as a PDF as necessary. This MultipleK function uses the factoextra and gridExtra packages.

MultipleK(myKs = c(2,3,4,5), out.dir = res_dir_nut_asis, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Nut_asis_K2-5")

Nutrient data averaged across days, processed for clustering analyses

Load Nut_ave data.

Tot_m_QCed_Nut_ave <- read.table(file="VVKAJ_Tot_mean_m_QCed_Nut_ave_c_rv.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

Scale your input file and name it as k-means_input.

kmeans_input <- scale(Tot_m_QCed_Nut_ave)

Ensure your input file has the correct number of rows and columns.

## [1] 15 29

Specify the directory (folder) to save the results.

res_dir_nut_ave = "kmeans_Nut_ave" 

Specify the prefix of filenames to be saved.

res_prefix_nut_ave = "VVKAJ_Nut_ave"

Run elbow, silhouette, and gap methods to find an optimum K (number of clusters).

ChooseK(out.dir= res_dir_nut_ave, out.prefix= res_prefix_nut_ave)
## Clustering Gap statistic ["clusGap"] from call:
## clusGap(x = kmeans_input, FUNcluster = kmeans, K.max = k.values[length(k.values)],     B = 50, nstart = 25)
## B=50 simulated reference sets, k = 1..14; spaceH0="scaledPCA"
##  --> Number of clusters (method 'firstmax'): 1
##             logW     E.logW          gap     SE.sim
##  [1,]  3.2630253  3.2663851  0.003359764 0.05234145
##  [2,]  3.0784342  3.0438595 -0.034574707 0.05372168
##  [3,]  2.9161106  2.8695076 -0.046603006 0.05471007
##  [4,]  2.7752731  2.7095985 -0.065674514 0.05519485
##  [5,]  2.6142074  2.5583486 -0.055858850 0.05523991
##  [6,]  2.4625300  2.4007042 -0.061825789 0.05691960
##  [7,]  2.2924520  2.2365856 -0.055866370 0.06063636
##  [8,]  2.0889716  2.0602011 -0.028770473 0.06452527
##  [9,]  1.8802611  1.8654634 -0.014797657 0.06983161
## [10,]  1.6202210  1.6415037  0.021282670 0.07686758
## [11,]  1.3401983  1.3770350  0.036836669 0.08485334
## [12,]  0.9895242  1.0433402  0.053816022 0.09208387
## [13,]  0.5150737  0.5792387  0.064165052 0.10424095
## [14,] -0.4562883 -0.1938366  0.262451756 0.12409388

With specific K values in mind, perform k-means analysis with one specified K.

OneK(myK= 5, out.dir= res_dir_nut_ave, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Nut_ave_K5")  

Try multiple Ks and print the biplots in one panel.

MultipleK(myKs = c(2,3,4,5), out.dir = res_dir_nut_ave, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Nut_ave_K2-5")

Food categories data as is, processed for clustering analyses

Load Cat_asis data.

Tot_m_QCed_Cat_asis <- read.table(file="VVKAJ_Tot_m_QCed_Cat_asis_c_rv.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

Scale your input file and name it as k-means_input.

kmeans_input <- scale(Tot_m_QCed_Cat_asis)

Ensure your input file has the correct number of rows and columns.

## [1] 45 30

Specify the directory (folder) to save the results.

res_dir_cat_asis = "kmeans_Cat_asis" 

Specify the prefix of filenames to be saved.

res_prefix_cat_asis = "VVKAJ_Cat_asis"

Run elbow, silhouette, and gap methods to find an optimum K (number of clusters).

ChooseK(out.dir= res_dir_cat_asis, out.prefix= res_prefix_cat_asis)
## Clustering Gap statistic ["clusGap"] from call:
## clusGap(x = kmeans_input, FUNcluster = kmeans, K.max = k.values[length(k.values)],     B = 50, nstart = 25)
## B=50 simulated reference sets, k = 1..14; spaceH0="scaledPCA"
##  --> Number of clusters (method 'firstmax'): 1
##           logW   E.logW       gap     SE.sim
##  [1,] 4.418470 4.704881 0.2864109 0.02523690
##  [2,] 4.324929 4.588765 0.2638362 0.01947462
##  [3,] 4.239884 4.525344 0.2854598 0.01838547
##  [4,] 4.170741 4.469961 0.2992198 0.01916238
##  [5,] 4.115400 4.419720 0.3043203 0.01845343
##  [6,] 4.073602 4.372798 0.2991961 0.01814911
##  [7,] 4.022522 4.328058 0.3055360 0.01864750
##  [8,] 3.972951 4.283995 0.3110447 0.01873790
##  [9,] 3.922178 4.241455 0.3192770 0.01925196
## [10,] 3.877252 4.198902 0.3216500 0.02015669
## [11,] 3.826764 4.156332 0.3295683 0.02069141
## [12,] 3.783749 4.114248 0.3304992 0.02096826
## [13,] 3.724537 4.071392 0.3468548 0.02156035
## [14,] 3.672544 4.028501 0.3559563 0.02157291

With specific K values in mind, perform k-means analysis with one specified K.

OneK(myK=3, out.dir= res_dir_cat_asis, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Cat_asis_K3")

Try multiple Ks and print the biplots in one panel.

MultipleK(myKs = c(3,4,5,6), out.dir = res_dir_cat_asis, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Cat_asis_K3-6")

Food categories data averaged across days, processed for clustering analyses

Load Cat_ave data.

Tot_m_QCed_Cat_ave <- read.table(file="VVKAJ_Tot_mean_m_QCed_Cat_ave_c_rv.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

Scale your input file and name it as k-means_input.

kmeans_input <- scale(Tot_m_QCed_Cat_ave)

Ensure your input file has the correct number of rows and columns.

## [1] 15 25

Specify the directory (folder) to save the results.

res_dir_cat_ave = "kmeans_Cat_ave" 

Specify the prefix of filenames to be saved.

res_prefix_cat_ave = "VVKAJ_Cat_ave"

Run elbow, silhouette, and gap methods to find an optimum K (number of clusters).

ChooseK(out.dir= res_dir_cat_ave, out.prefix= res_prefix_cat_ave)
## Clustering Gap statistic ["clusGap"] from call:
## clusGap(x = kmeans_input, FUNcluster = kmeans, K.max = k.values[length(k.values)],     B = 50, nstart = 25)
## B=50 simulated reference sets, k = 1..14; spaceH0="scaledPCA"
##  --> Number of clusters (method 'firstmax'): 1
##              logW     E.logW           gap     SE.sim
##  [1,]  3.19066329  3.2065563  1.589302e-02 0.04676962
##  [2,]  3.00741139  3.0073421 -6.932819e-05 0.05303620
##  [3,]  2.84352271  2.8345688 -8.953876e-03 0.05360053
##  [4,]  2.69703510  2.6806427 -1.639236e-02 0.05241182
##  [5,]  2.55196510  2.5335184 -1.844667e-02 0.05350532
##  [6,]  2.42386845  2.3824293 -4.143910e-02 0.05665905
##  [7,]  2.28405617  2.2215331 -6.252309e-02 0.06034179
##  [8,]  2.12673548  2.0470466 -7.968886e-02 0.06266336
##  [9,]  1.94250302  1.8514305 -9.107256e-02 0.06602434
## [10,]  1.72955188  1.6278869 -1.016650e-01 0.07192173
## [11,]  1.46373426  1.3661157 -9.761852e-02 0.07723756
## [12,]  1.11437462  1.0370556 -7.731898e-02 0.08325284
## [13,]  0.64687840  0.5735845 -7.329393e-02 0.09188411
## [14,] -0.08712478 -0.2004423 -1.133175e-01 0.12555598

With specific K values in mind, perform k-means analysis with one specified K.

OneK(myK= 4, out.dir= res_dir_cat_ave, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Cat_ave_K4")  

Try multiple Ks and print the biplots in one panel.

MultipleK(myKs = c(2,3,4,6), out.dir = res_dir_cat_ave, out.fn = "VVKAJ_Cat_ave_K2-4&6")

Come back to the main directory before you start running another script.
