
In this script, we will add participants’ metadata, and GLU_index variable based on their blood glucose levels.

Load functions and packages

Name the path to DietR directory where input files are pulled.

  main_wd <- "~/GitHub/DietR"

Install the SASxport package if it is not installed yet.

if (!require("SASxport", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("SASxport")

Load SASeport, necessary to import NHANES data.


Load the necessary functions.


You can come back to the main directory by:


Specify the directory where the data is.

SpecifyDataDirectory( "eg_data/NHANES/")

Create a folder called “Laboratory_data” under “NHANES”, so that our results with laboratory data (glucose tolerance test) can be saved.

Load NHANES15-16totals with demographic data

Load the QC-ed total (with food categories), filtered for KCAL, PROT, TFAT, VC. 4,164 people.

QCtotal_d <- read.table("Total_D12_FC_QC_mean_QC_demo.txt", sep="\t", header=T)

Check the number of participants in the QCtotals - should be 4,164 people.

## [1] 4164

Add Gender and Age, body measure, and metadata

We are going to use the following columns:
RIAGENDR = gender

Add gender and age_groups to QCtotal_d_glu_body_meta. The output is named “totals_out”.

AddGenderAgeGroups(input=QCtotal_d, age.col="RIDAGEYR", gender.col="RIAGENDR")

Rename the output as QCtotal_d_ga.

QCtotal_d_ga <- totals_out  

Ensure grouping has been done correctly.

head(QCtotal_d_ga[, c("RIAGENDR", "Gender", "RIDAGEYR", "AgeGroup", "Gender_Age")])
##   RIAGENDR Gender RIDAGEYR AgeGroup Gender_Age
## 1        1      M       62      60s      M_60s
## 2        1      M       53      50s      M_50s
## 3        1      M       78      70s      M_70s
## 4        1      M       22      20s      M_20s
## 5        1      M       56      50s      M_50s
## 6        1      M       46      40s      M_40s

Check the frequency of the groups. As expected, people aged 18-19 are less frequent.

##  F_18_19    F_20s    F_30s    F_40s    F_50s    F_60s    F_70s F_80plus 
##       95      344      331      381      344      360      207      138 
##  M_18_19    M_20s    M_30s    M_40s    M_50s    M_60s    M_70s M_80plus 
##       94      279      309      288      302      340      232      120
##  18_19    20s    30s    40s    50s    60s    70s 80plus 
##    189    623    640    669    646    700    439    258

Add body measure data

Download the body measure data from NHANES website and save it in “Raw_data” folder.

              destfile= "Raw_data/BMX_I.XPT", mode="wb")  

Load the body measure data.

bodymea <- read.xport("Raw_data/BMX_I.XPT")

Explanation of variables can be found from NHANES.

Relevant variables here include:

Variable Description
BMDSTATS Body Measures Component Status Code. 1 == Complete data for age group; 2 == Partial: Only height and weight obtained.
BMXHT Standing Height (cm)
BMIHT Standing Height Comment
BMXBMI Body Mass Index (kg/m2)
BMXWAIST Waist Circumference (cm)

Add body measure to QCtotal_d.

QCtotal_d_ga_body <- merge(x=QCtotal_d_ga, y=bodymea, by="SEQN")

Download the metadata for people, who are in Total Day 1 from the NHANES website, and save it in “Raw_data” folder.

              destfile= "Raw_data/DR1TOT_I.XPT", mode="wb")  

Load the metadata in Total Day 1.

metadata_raw <- read.xport("Raw_data/DR1TOT_I.XPT")

Total Day 1 has “dietary data for day 1” and “metadata”, but we only need the metadata; thus, take out only the metadata columns (variables) and exclude the day 1 data. Column names’ descriptions can be found here on the NHANES 2015-16 page.

First, specify the first and the last column names to select.
Look for the column number that matches the first and last variable specified.

sta_col_num_a <- match("DBQ095Z"  , names(metadata_raw))  # Salt-related questions
end_col_num_a <- match("DRQSPREP" , names(metadata_raw))
sta_col_num_b <- match("DRQSDIET" , names(metadata_raw))  # Diet-related questions
end_col_num_b <- match("DRQSDT91" , names(metadata_raw))
sta_col_num_c <- match("DRD340"   , names(metadata_raw))  # Fish-related questions
end_col_num_c <- match("DRD370V"  , names(metadata_raw))

Only select the metadata variables and SEQN, which is in column 1.

metadata_only <- metadata_raw[, c(1,

Check that this has only the SEQN and metadata columns.

##  [1] "SEQN"     "DBQ095Z"  "DBD100"   "DRQSPREP" "DRQSDIET" "DRQSDT1" 
##  [7] "DRQSDT2"  "DRQSDT3"  "DRQSDT4"  "DRQSDT5"  "DRQSDT6"  "DRQSDT7" 
## [13] "DRQSDT8"  "DRQSDT9"  "DRQSDT10" "DRQSDT11" "DRQSDT12" "DRQSDT91"
## [19] "DRD340"   "DRD350A"  "DRD350AQ" "DRD350B"  "DRD350BQ" "DRD350C" 
## [25] "DRD350CQ" "DRD350D"  "DRD350DQ" "DRD350E"  "DRD350EQ" "DRD350F" 
## [31] "DRD350FQ" "DRD350G"  "DRD350GQ" "DRD350H"  "DRD350HQ" "DRD350I" 
## [37] "DRD350IQ" "DRD350J"  "DRD350JQ" "DRD350K"  "DRD360"   "DRD370A" 
## [43] "DRD370AQ" "DRD370B"  "DRD370BQ" "DRD370C"  "DRD370CQ" "DRD370D" 
## [49] "DRD370DQ" "DRD370E"  "DRD370EQ" "DRD370F"  "DRD370FQ" "DRD370G" 
## [55] "DRD370GQ" "DRD370H"  "DRD370HQ" "DRD370I"  "DRD370IQ" "DRD370J" 
## [61] "DRD370JQ" "DRD370K"  "DRD370KQ" "DRD370L"  "DRD370LQ" "DRD370M" 
## [67] "DRD370MQ" "DRD370N"  "DRD370NQ" "DRD370O"  "DRD370OQ" "DRD370P" 
## [73] "DRD370PQ" "DRD370Q"  "DRD370QQ" "DRD370R"  "DRD370RQ" "DRD370S" 
## [79] "DRD370SQ" "DRD370T"  "DRD370TQ" "DRD370U"  "DRD370UQ" "DRD370V"

Add meatadata to QCtotal_d_glu_body.

QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta <- merge(x=QCtotal_d_ga_body, y=metadata_only, by="SEQN")

Save as a .txt file. This can be used for answering research questions other than glycaemic index.

write.table(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta, "Total_D12_FC_QC_mean_QC_demo_ga_body_meta.txt",
            sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F)

Load the blood glucose data, add GLU_index, and filter out rows containing missing data

Download the blood glucose data from NHANES website, and save it in “Raw_data” folder.

              destfile= "Raw_data/GLU_I.XPT", mode="wb")  

Load the blood glucose data and see.

glu <- read.xport("Raw_data/GLU_I.XPT")

glu has LBXGLU - Fasting Glucose (mg/dL).

## 1 83733  54722.34    101     5.59
## 2 83734  25471.09     84     4.66
## 3 83736  38179.51     84     4.66
## 4 83737  25800.85    107     5.93
## 5 83741 108751.29     95     5.27
## 6 83743  52877.26     97     5.38

Check its distribution.


Add glu to QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta.

QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu <- merge(x=QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta, y=glu, by="SEQN")

Add GLU_index according to their glucose level: Normal, Prediabetic, and Diabetic.

GLU_index Criteria
Normal 99 mg/dL or lower
Prediabetic 100 to 125 mg/dL
Diabetic 126 mg/dL or higher

If LBXGLU is missing, put “NA”; if it has a value, add GLU_index category in “GLU_index” column.

QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu$GLU_index <- ifelse(
  # test sentence$LBXGLU) == TRUE,
  # if LBXGLU is NA, put NA to GLU_index column. 
  # Otherwise, put "Normal", "Prediabetic" or "Diabetic" to GLU_index column. 
  ifelse(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu$LBXGLU < 100,
         ifelse(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu$LBXGLU < 126,

Check the first 30 rows of glucose and GLU_index columns in QCtotal_d_glu_body_meta.

QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu[1:30, c("LBXGLU", "GLU_index")]
##    LBXGLU   GLU_index
## 1     101 Prediabetic
## 2      84      Normal
## 3      84      Normal
## 4     107 Prediabetic
## 5      95      Normal
## 6     130    Diabetic
## 7     284    Diabetic
## 8     398    Diabetic
## 9      95      Normal
## 10     97      Normal
## 11     97      Normal
## 12    111 Prediabetic
## 13    113 Prediabetic
## 14    114 Prediabetic
## 15     94      Normal
## 16     92      Normal
## 17    119 Prediabetic
## 18     94      Normal
## 19    101 Prediabetic
## 20    104 Prediabetic
## 21    105 Prediabetic
## 22    105 Prediabetic
## 23    109 Prediabetic
## 24     99      Normal
## 25     79      Normal
## 26     97      Normal
## 27     90      Normal
## 28     NA        <NA>
## 29     99      Normal
## 30     89      Normal

There are some missing data, so check the frequency with useNA argument to show NAs.

table(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu$GLU_index, useNA="always")
##    Diabetic      Normal Prediabetic        <NA> 
##         287         788         848          88

Select individuals that have no missing data in the LBXGLU column.

QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp <-  QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu[!$LBXGLU), ]

Check the number of rows - should have 1,943 rows.

## [1] 1923

Double-check there is no missing data in GLU_index.

table(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp$GLU_index, useNA="always")
##    Diabetic      Normal Prediabetic        <NA> 
##         287         788         848           0

Exclude individuals who are following special diets

There may be some participants following special diets such as low-sodium or gluten-free. Detailed explanation about the special diet question can be found on the documentation.

For this demonstration, we will select only those who are eating freely without following any diet.

Check the number of individuals who are following any specific diet (DRQSDIET==1).

table(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp$DRQSDIET, useNA="always")
##    1    2 <NA> 
##  313 1610    0

DRQSDIET==1 is following a special diet, so select only rows with DRQSDIET==2.

QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp_2 <- subset(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp, DRQSDIET == 2)

How many people remained? – 1,610 remained.

##    2 
## 1610

Check the sample size of each category.

table(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp_2$GLU_index, useNA="always")
##    Diabetic      Normal Prediabetic        <NA> 
##         208         679         723           0

Save the dataset as a .txt file in the folder called “Laboratory_data”.

write.table(QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp_2, file="Laboratory_data/QCtotal_d_ga_body_meta_glu_comp_2.txt",
            sep= "\t", row.names=F, quote= F)

Come back to the main directory before you start running another script.
